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Sunday, December 21, 2014

A little too angry and neglecting rape culture

I uploaded my video, "Now You Can Be a Rapist Too!" where I talked about a message a guy named Fousey tube was trying to get across. He wanted us all to come together to end rape culture and so he decided to post at the end of his video "Anyone can be a Rapist, even you" or something along those lines.

I flipped shit when I saw that. Now, my opinions are in the video, but there was one thing I neglected to really talk about and that's how we don't live in a rape culture. What saddens me is that this guy and millions of other people actually believe we live in a culture that condones rape. They think we live a country that lets rapists get away with rape, when that's not remotely close to the truth. I've made several videos on Rape Culture but I guess I'll have to make more because that message was ridiculous. I mean, did he honestly think that telling a rapist not to rape would make them say, "Wow...I'm hurting people's feelings and vaginas...I guess I'll stop?" No, of course that's not going to happen.

Now honestly though, I want to know if I was blinded by my anger. So comment below if maybe I missed something because I reacted to harshly. I really want to know how you guys feel.

Thanks for reading, I'll see you cool cats soon.

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