A new beginning for this Blog! I start my journey on creating my exercising program. I'm going to be working on creating and sharing my own program to give you guys functional and explosive strength and power. I will use this blog to write shorter pieces on Philosophy as well. Training your brain to think critically. My intentions is to give you guys both mental and physical exercise! Thank you for stopping by!!
CryptoTab Browser
Monday, December 14, 2015
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Finally a REAL Update
So yeah...I kinda started using the blog to post videos of some things I wanted visitors to see, but now we have a real, REAL, update. I've been busy making videos and what not, but haven't gotten around to uploading them yet. So yeah, I'm working hard to make these videos and thinking about a lot of things. Looks like I'll be doing this YouTube thing for a long time lol.
So upcoming videos (which are not in any particular order) include:
Gun Control is Rather Asinine
A Response to The Amazing Atheist
A Video on Sex Robots
A video on Sexy Video Game Characters
A video on objectification of men in video games
The Attention Whore Chronicles, Episode 4
The Attention Whore Chronicles, Episode 5
Another Video on the Friendzone. Actually might be 3
Nice Guys, Jerks, and the Girls who Date them Episode 3
A video on Abortion
A new video on specifically Financial Abortion.
Why Feminism Works, or Why is it so effective
A video on "Taken in Hand" Relationships
Do Women Deserve Respect
and finally The Legacy of Elliot Rodger
So those are the upcoming videos. Please, viewer, by all means consider donating to my Patreon. It would really help a nigga out. XD https://www.patreon.com/BASSFZz?ty=h
If not, it's alright. Thanks for stopping by to get an update. I'll see you cool cats soon.
So upcoming videos (which are not in any particular order) include:
Gun Control is Rather Asinine
A Response to The Amazing Atheist
A Video on Sex Robots
A video on Sexy Video Game Characters
A video on objectification of men in video games
The Attention Whore Chronicles, Episode 4
The Attention Whore Chronicles, Episode 5
Another Video on the Friendzone. Actually might be 3
Nice Guys, Jerks, and the Girls who Date them Episode 3
A video on Abortion
A new video on specifically Financial Abortion.
Why Feminism Works, or Why is it so effective
A video on "Taken in Hand" Relationships
Do Women Deserve Respect
and finally The Legacy of Elliot Rodger
So those are the upcoming videos. Please, viewer, by all means consider donating to my Patreon. It would really help a nigga out. XD https://www.patreon.com/BASSFZz?ty=h
If not, it's alright. Thanks for stopping by to get an update. I'll see you cool cats soon.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Saturday, July 11, 2015
There are...no strings on me.
Well it's been a long six months...HALF A BLOODY YEAR that is, but it's over. I am free. No more community strike on my channel. Do you understand that that means my friends? Longer videos are returning. I can go in more depth and start doing and saying what I want again. I have been released from the chains of 15 minute videos.
I can start a podcast if I wanted to. Hell...I think I just might.
Videos coming up:
Response to Marinashutup on the Wage Gap
Debunking the wage gap a little differently
Nice Guys, Jerks, and the Girls who date them.
The Attention Whore Chronicles Episode 3: The Purest Attention Whore there ever was.
Then we have episode 4, Jessica Vanessa.
The greatest insult to men
Response about how Feminism doesn't really rule.
A video on Female fictional characters and maybe. now just maybe...a video on SEXY female video game characters and the hypocrisy surrounding them.
The Ultimate video response to my pal Jaclyn Glenn
A video on sluts...and some video response on slut shaming.
Also there will be a video on hypocritical standards between men and women...again.
Yeah. That's a lot of new stuff both in concept and in production. Look out soon for a video called, "The Greatest Insult to Men." That's hitting the Tube very soon.
As always thank you so much for stopping by, you guys have a great day.
I can start a podcast if I wanted to. Hell...I think I just might.
Videos coming up:
Response to Marinashutup on the Wage Gap
Debunking the wage gap a little differently
Nice Guys, Jerks, and the Girls who date them.
The Attention Whore Chronicles Episode 3: The Purest Attention Whore there ever was.
Then we have episode 4, Jessica Vanessa.
The greatest insult to men
Response about how Feminism doesn't really rule.
A video on Female fictional characters and maybe. now just maybe...a video on SEXY female video game characters and the hypocrisy surrounding them.
The Ultimate video response to my pal Jaclyn Glenn
A video on sluts...and some video response on slut shaming.
Also there will be a video on hypocritical standards between men and women...again.
Yeah. That's a lot of new stuff both in concept and in production. Look out soon for a video called, "The Greatest Insult to Men." That's hitting the Tube very soon.
As always thank you so much for stopping by, you guys have a great day.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Friday, June 12, 2015
Chihuahuas, Guard Dogs, and Wolves: The Dog Metaphor
So the other day I was doing some thinking about something I called the "Chihuahua syndrome." Basically it's when someone puts up a loud front because either they are insecure or because they're scared. It's part of the reason why so many young black women have "attitude" problems. Perhaps another word for it could be "feigning strength" or something like that. The comparison obviously comes from the fact that Chihuahuas are small dogs that bark all the time because they're scared of everything around them.
So I was thinking about the Chihuahua syndrome and then I realized that all dogs bark. Now that's an obvious observation, and dogs all bark for a number of reasons, so the Chihuahua syndrome idea is kinda short sighted. It doesn't really account for the people that "bark" and really do have a "bite" or "killer instinct" to them. So I decided to try to expand that idea a little bit by putting forth my "Dog Metaphor" So I'm going to explain it now, because it's very similar to Plato's Republic idea of "Guards, Workers, and the Philosopher King (which I will make an entire video on in the distant future). So to summarize very quickly each dog represents a type of person in our society and each Archetype of dog can also be broken down slightly further within the groups.
So let's start with the Chihuahua. These are the people that in a nut shell are very insecure and shout and scream all the time to show they are "strong" or "independent" but in reality they're actually pretty scared on the inside. It's like the guys who try to be tough all the time and get angry when their sexuality is questioned. It's also the "ghetto" black girls that get angry and offended at every small thing or is yelling all the time. The purpose of this yelling and puffing your chest is to scare your opposition so you don't have to fight. In nature most animals don't fight back unless placed into a corner. The instinct is or minds tell us to "open our hoods" like a Cobra does to look bigger, or to "bark" like a Chihuahua over and over again unless challenged. Feminists and Social Justice Warriors are great examples of this.
So the second is the Guard Dog and I can break them down into two separate categories: the Police Dog and the Junkyard Dog. Both are in this category because they represent the idea of keeping something or someone safe. They represent people that "bark" i.e. fight back and have a big front about themselves, however they can still throw down or argue with the best of them. What characterizes these people is their undying protection of an idea or an ideal. The guard dog truly warns the person away, however is not afraid to engage their adversary if they have to, however they do have ONE gigantic weakness that is their defining trait. However before we get there, there are a few things that make Police dogs different than Junkyard dogs. The difference is the Police Dog represents loyalty and training to the establishment or the law or even a moral code, while a Junkyard dog represents loyalty to their feelings. The Junkyard in this metaphor represents emotions and feelings, NOT because they are worthless, but because to find worth in junk is very subjective. So it doesn't mean feelings are worthless, they're just subjective. However the Police dog has undying loyalty to either the state or to dogmatic religions and moral codes.
Now what is their weakness you ask? WELL THEY ARE ON A LEASH! The guard dog protects not himself, but he sacrifices himself for others and ideas. He doesn't think for himself, even though he has skills and intelligence he's used for the purposes of other people. The leash represents that others have complete control over them, and the Police dog is easier to command than the Junkyard dog, but the junkyard dog when released in almost uncontrollable. White Knights are a great examples of the Guard Dog.
Now finally we move on to the Wolves. Now the Wolves can be broken down into 3 groups, and you might know them: Alpha, Betas, and Omegas. The Wolf character type represents freedom, loyality to family and friends, and a possession of a Killer instinct (and I'll talk about that in the next post). The Alpha is definitely the most insecure of the Wolves. He is responsible for controlling his pack of friends or families, keeping them safe, and fixing problems in the pack. Because of this he is constantly on guard because he has a lot of responsibility. So even though the Alpha Wolf is insecure, you ask, what's the difference to the Chihuahua. Well the difference is responsibility and competence. To become the Alpha you have to work for it and you keep it by doing your job. The Alpha Wolf keeps his job due to responsibility and love for his family and friends. It's not easy being the Alpha, but he certainly does warrant respect.
The Beta lies on a bit of a spectrum to the Alpha. He has the same traits as the Alpha, however he will allow others to lead when he knows he doesn't have the skills. In this metaphor there isn't anything wrong with being a Beta, it only represents humility and a desire to work for the greater good of others around you.
Finally the Omega is one on his own. He hunts on his own, he fights for his own. He is either searching for a family or likes to be by himself as a loner. His only responsibility is to himself and fights for no cause but his own. The Omega cannot exist in a pack unless he's willingly to become a beta to follow the lead of those more competent than him. Or, the Omega can become his own Alpha of his own family and lead them the way he wants to.
The defining trait of the Wolf is loyalty to family and friends, not a cause and not a front. Wolves are those who understand with great power comes great responsibility. They work together instead of as individuals and will always fight for one another, of course with the exception of the Omega.
So, that's my metaphor. Of course this does not represent everyone in our society, not at all, but I think it's a good foundation to be expanded on. I liked it a lot and wanted to share my thoughts with everyone. So if you read this post all the way through, thank you so much and have a great day.
So I was thinking about the Chihuahua syndrome and then I realized that all dogs bark. Now that's an obvious observation, and dogs all bark for a number of reasons, so the Chihuahua syndrome idea is kinda short sighted. It doesn't really account for the people that "bark" and really do have a "bite" or "killer instinct" to them. So I decided to try to expand that idea a little bit by putting forth my "Dog Metaphor" So I'm going to explain it now, because it's very similar to Plato's Republic idea of "Guards, Workers, and the Philosopher King (which I will make an entire video on in the distant future). So to summarize very quickly each dog represents a type of person in our society and each Archetype of dog can also be broken down slightly further within the groups.
So let's start with the Chihuahua. These are the people that in a nut shell are very insecure and shout and scream all the time to show they are "strong" or "independent" but in reality they're actually pretty scared on the inside. It's like the guys who try to be tough all the time and get angry when their sexuality is questioned. It's also the "ghetto" black girls that get angry and offended at every small thing or is yelling all the time. The purpose of this yelling and puffing your chest is to scare your opposition so you don't have to fight. In nature most animals don't fight back unless placed into a corner. The instinct is or minds tell us to "open our hoods" like a Cobra does to look bigger, or to "bark" like a Chihuahua over and over again unless challenged. Feminists and Social Justice Warriors are great examples of this.
So the second is the Guard Dog and I can break them down into two separate categories: the Police Dog and the Junkyard Dog. Both are in this category because they represent the idea of keeping something or someone safe. They represent people that "bark" i.e. fight back and have a big front about themselves, however they can still throw down or argue with the best of them. What characterizes these people is their undying protection of an idea or an ideal. The guard dog truly warns the person away, however is not afraid to engage their adversary if they have to, however they do have ONE gigantic weakness that is their defining trait. However before we get there, there are a few things that make Police dogs different than Junkyard dogs. The difference is the Police Dog represents loyalty and training to the establishment or the law or even a moral code, while a Junkyard dog represents loyalty to their feelings. The Junkyard in this metaphor represents emotions and feelings, NOT because they are worthless, but because to find worth in junk is very subjective. So it doesn't mean feelings are worthless, they're just subjective. However the Police dog has undying loyalty to either the state or to dogmatic religions and moral codes.
Now what is their weakness you ask? WELL THEY ARE ON A LEASH! The guard dog protects not himself, but he sacrifices himself for others and ideas. He doesn't think for himself, even though he has skills and intelligence he's used for the purposes of other people. The leash represents that others have complete control over them, and the Police dog is easier to command than the Junkyard dog, but the junkyard dog when released in almost uncontrollable. White Knights are a great examples of the Guard Dog.
Now finally we move on to the Wolves. Now the Wolves can be broken down into 3 groups, and you might know them: Alpha, Betas, and Omegas. The Wolf character type represents freedom, loyality to family and friends, and a possession of a Killer instinct (and I'll talk about that in the next post). The Alpha is definitely the most insecure of the Wolves. He is responsible for controlling his pack of friends or families, keeping them safe, and fixing problems in the pack. Because of this he is constantly on guard because he has a lot of responsibility. So even though the Alpha Wolf is insecure, you ask, what's the difference to the Chihuahua. Well the difference is responsibility and competence. To become the Alpha you have to work for it and you keep it by doing your job. The Alpha Wolf keeps his job due to responsibility and love for his family and friends. It's not easy being the Alpha, but he certainly does warrant respect.
The Beta lies on a bit of a spectrum to the Alpha. He has the same traits as the Alpha, however he will allow others to lead when he knows he doesn't have the skills. In this metaphor there isn't anything wrong with being a Beta, it only represents humility and a desire to work for the greater good of others around you.
Finally the Omega is one on his own. He hunts on his own, he fights for his own. He is either searching for a family or likes to be by himself as a loner. His only responsibility is to himself and fights for no cause but his own. The Omega cannot exist in a pack unless he's willingly to become a beta to follow the lead of those more competent than him. Or, the Omega can become his own Alpha of his own family and lead them the way he wants to.
The defining trait of the Wolf is loyalty to family and friends, not a cause and not a front. Wolves are those who understand with great power comes great responsibility. They work together instead of as individuals and will always fight for one another, of course with the exception of the Omega.
So, that's my metaphor. Of course this does not represent everyone in our society, not at all, but I think it's a good foundation to be expanded on. I liked it a lot and wanted to share my thoughts with everyone. So if you read this post all the way through, thank you so much and have a great day.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
A Chat With Salem
So today I actually had a facetime call with Salem Koussa, the subject of my video "Attention Whore Chronicles Episode 2," and to make a long story short she tells me that her body is real, she is 19, she started posting pictures when she was 16, and she does it for the money.
She was very respectful and friendly and we ended up talking for about 30 minutes. She had someone send my video to her on instagram and she decided to call me to clear some things up. It is true that she was a World Karate champion when she around the age of 12, which is pretty cool in my opinion. She then told me that the girl who runs the Tumblr where I got most of my evidence from is actually a fanatic that's been stalking her and making posts about her for almost two years. While Salem does admit that the evidence for her being sixteen is damning, she's steadfast in claiming she is 19. She also told me that she only takes the pictures because she gets paid quite a bit a money (1000 pounds/2000 dollars on a "bad" month) and that she intends on quitting when she gets enough to go to University.
Like I said, she was very nice and actually wasn't angry. She didn't even ask me to take the video down. She said that one day she may make a video to cut all the BS down, so during the conversation I encouraged her to make a video statement definitively proving herself true, and letting the truth speak for itself. She said that she didn't think people were going to believe her so I told her to say her piece and then to let people argue it out afterwards.
So maybe one day she'll make that video, heck, I might even have to do a Google hangout with her to have her reveal the truth for everyone. Who knows, only time will tell. I'll probably be contacting her again one of these days to help her out with her video. She's pretty nice from what I gather, so maybe in the future I really will have her on my channel.
I just wanted to update you guys on the video. Episode 3 and 4 of the Attention Whore Chronicles are still in production and Episode 3 will probably be out in the near future.
Thank you for stopping by, and have yourself a great day. :]
She was very respectful and friendly and we ended up talking for about 30 minutes. She had someone send my video to her on instagram and she decided to call me to clear some things up. It is true that she was a World Karate champion when she around the age of 12, which is pretty cool in my opinion. She then told me that the girl who runs the Tumblr where I got most of my evidence from is actually a fanatic that's been stalking her and making posts about her for almost two years. While Salem does admit that the evidence for her being sixteen is damning, she's steadfast in claiming she is 19. She also told me that she only takes the pictures because she gets paid quite a bit a money (1000 pounds/2000 dollars on a "bad" month) and that she intends on quitting when she gets enough to go to University.
Like I said, she was very nice and actually wasn't angry. She didn't even ask me to take the video down. She said that one day she may make a video to cut all the BS down, so during the conversation I encouraged her to make a video statement definitively proving herself true, and letting the truth speak for itself. She said that she didn't think people were going to believe her so I told her to say her piece and then to let people argue it out afterwards.
So maybe one day she'll make that video, heck, I might even have to do a Google hangout with her to have her reveal the truth for everyone. Who knows, only time will tell. I'll probably be contacting her again one of these days to help her out with her video. She's pretty nice from what I gather, so maybe in the future I really will have her on my channel.
I just wanted to update you guys on the video. Episode 3 and 4 of the Attention Whore Chronicles are still in production and Episode 3 will probably be out in the near future.
Thank you for stopping by, and have yourself a great day. :]
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Friday, May 15, 2015
Friday, May 8, 2015
Update For The Near Future
What's up guys, Zerse here. So here's what to look forward to in the future. Some videos have been pushed back due to production limits and not having enough time, however they are coming. One exciting thing is soon...I will be free of the 15 minute time limit. >:]
A video on the "Ideal Body" is coming out next.
Next we have a video on "Critical thinking"
A two part special on "Marinashutup on Rape Culture." That's gonna be good.
The second part of the slut shaming argument video.
A new video on the friendzone.
Episode 1 Of "Nice guys, Jerks, and the Girls who date them."
Episode 1 of the "Attention Whore Chronicles."
Episode 2 of the "Attention Whore Chronicles."
I'm not sure about the particular order, because there are other video that will be produced and talked about. I got about a month before I'm in good standings again. :]
Thanks for stopping by my friends. I'll be seeing you guys soon. :]
A video on the "Ideal Body" is coming out next.
Next we have a video on "Critical thinking"
A two part special on "Marinashutup on Rape Culture." That's gonna be good.
The second part of the slut shaming argument video.
A new video on the friendzone.
Episode 1 Of "Nice guys, Jerks, and the Girls who date them."
Episode 1 of the "Attention Whore Chronicles."
Episode 2 of the "Attention Whore Chronicles."
I'm not sure about the particular order, because there are other video that will be produced and talked about. I got about a month before I'm in good standings again. :]
Thanks for stopping by my friends. I'll be seeing you guys soon. :]
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Channel Update: March 19, 2015
Update for future uploads. I'm still working on my new video series and will start recording the footage for that soon. What's up next is another video response to Laci Green; this time we're talking about whether women lie about rape and again I'm getting help from ChaosSixthFleet, commentary on an article an Subscriber asked me to make, a new video on a comment I received on an old video that I thought was pretty funny. Also I'm going to upload two versions of a video response to ...Jaclyn Glenn. Someone asked me to respond to an old video Jaclyn made and I'm working on an extended version and a short version.
I'm also going to be making an entire video on physical attractiveness that will probably be split into to parts. And also the second part to how the sexual revolution failed women will also be up very, very soon. Also I'll be uploading a video on "How to be An Alpha Male," and that one will be a dousie.
Finally, I have a video response to the Young Turks that will probably be uploaded on my extended channel and I also have a video response to a feminist named, "Secular Talk," which is something I'm sure a lot of people will have mixed feelings about. ...It's gonna be AWESOME!
Thank you for stopping by and have a great day.
I'm also going to be making an entire video on physical attractiveness that will probably be split into to parts. And also the second part to how the sexual revolution failed women will also be up very, very soon. Also I'll be uploading a video on "How to be An Alpha Male," and that one will be a dousie.
Finally, I have a video response to the Young Turks that will probably be uploaded on my extended channel and I also have a video response to a feminist named, "Secular Talk," which is something I'm sure a lot of people will have mixed feelings about. ...It's gonna be AWESOME!
Thank you for stopping by and have a great day.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Video Update For 2/22/2015
So we got a lot of videos coming in the next couple of days, including the 5th installment of "I Need Feminism...wait no I don't." I'm going to be recording the video for "On Alphas and Betas" very soon...probably when I'm done with this so that'll be out soon as well. There's new episodes of "The Zarius Show" in production too, so look out for that. We got some response videos cooking up too the revolve around bullying...and another on Slut Shaming because...there's just so many videos on Slut Shaming XD. I'll be finishing, "What Does it Mean to be a real man and woman" very soon as well so the wait will finally be over! YEAH! And then I'll be uploading another video series that will somewhat be a sequel to "The Double Standard of Having Standards," which if you haven't watched it already...what are you doing with your life? XD
As always, thank you so much for stopping by and I'll be seeing you real soon. :]
As always, thank you so much for stopping by and I'll be seeing you real soon. :]
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Friday, January 23, 2015
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Video Preview
So hopefully you guys no by now my channel has be restricted to videos 15 minutes long or less, which really makes it hard as hell to make the videos I like making. More than that it has placed a severe stop to production. While not severe...but it has certainly hurt me a lot.
Anyway I have a few videos coming up soon.
A two part special on online dating is coming up in the very near future.
Also I'm going to post a video on "Alpha and Beta males," which is something I think will turn out very well. I'm going to finish "What Does Being a Real Man and Woman" soon too, but the third part of the video series will probably end up on my Extended Channel.
Then there's the video series I got coming about dating, that tackles it from an honest, brass tags, kinda way I think everyone will enjoy.
As always post suggestions for future videos you like to see, and thank you for stopping by.
Anyway I have a few videos coming up soon.
A two part special on online dating is coming up in the very near future.
Also I'm going to post a video on "Alpha and Beta males," which is something I think will turn out very well. I'm going to finish "What Does Being a Real Man and Woman" soon too, but the third part of the video series will probably end up on my Extended Channel.
Then there's the video series I got coming about dating, that tackles it from an honest, brass tags, kinda way I think everyone will enjoy.
As always post suggestions for future videos you like to see, and thank you for stopping by.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
My Workout Regime
So I uploaded a review of a few supplements I tried and so I thought it was important to also add on what type of exercises I did while I was trying them.
So my workout was pretty simple and lasted usually between 30-45 minutes because I added Martial Arts practice to it. I also focused on mixing Cardio with Isometric exercises because I wanted harder and denser muscles, but not to become really big.
So basically the Workout is very simple and won't take long if you remove the Martial Arts portion.
Isometric Bicep Curl- hold 7 seconds
Isometric Chest Press- Hold 7-10 seconds
Isometric Tricep Extensions- Hold 7 seconds
Plank- Hold 30 seconds
Isometric Wall Squat- Hold 10 seconds
Isometric Calf Raise on one leg (requires good balance) Hold 10 seconds on each leg
Isometric Push-Up- Hold 30 seconds
Isometric Bridge Hold 10 Seconds
Isometric Superman- Hold 7 Seconds
REMEMBER! If you chose to follow this you must BREATH throughout each exercise. Never hold your breath or you run the risk of raising your blood pressure.
Click Here for more Isometric Exercises and descriptions of the above exercises and more info on Isometrics:
Then I would practice Martial Arts for 20-30 Minutes, but you guys can skip that and replace it with anything you want or nothing at all.
Finally I would do something I got from Mike, from sixpackshort cuts, which is this right here:
Now instead of doing this for 1 minute straight I would actually do 5-9 reps, rest and then go back to it. I would do the "Superset" about three to five times and rest.
So the entire workout without Martial Arts is about 10-15 minutes and the "Superset" will have you drenched in sweet if you do it right. XD
Now here's something cool about Isometrics. It's not going to make you really big...but it will make you super strong and fast in record time. I might have to make an entire video on Isometrics.
Another cool tip NO ONE will tell you about becoming stronger and faster is tension exercises. Basically what this is, is individually tensing up different muscles groups for several minutes, THEN firing off every muscle group together at the same time.
What this does is it strengthens the neural network pathway to your muscles and increase your mind-muscle connection, which will make you faster an give you better muscle control. Again, this is a real trick that NO ONE will tell you about, at least no one I know of. XD
So comment below any questions you have, and if enough people want it I will make an entire video revolving around isometrics and how I exercise.
Thank you for stopping by and I'll see you cool cats soon :]
So my workout was pretty simple and lasted usually between 30-45 minutes because I added Martial Arts practice to it. I also focused on mixing Cardio with Isometric exercises because I wanted harder and denser muscles, but not to become really big.
So basically the Workout is very simple and won't take long if you remove the Martial Arts portion.
Isometric Bicep Curl- hold 7 seconds
Isometric Chest Press- Hold 7-10 seconds
Isometric Tricep Extensions- Hold 7 seconds
Plank- Hold 30 seconds
Isometric Wall Squat- Hold 10 seconds
Isometric Calf Raise on one leg (requires good balance) Hold 10 seconds on each leg
Isometric Push-Up- Hold 30 seconds
Isometric Bridge Hold 10 Seconds
Isometric Superman- Hold 7 Seconds
REMEMBER! If you chose to follow this you must BREATH throughout each exercise. Never hold your breath or you run the risk of raising your blood pressure.
Click Here for more Isometric Exercises and descriptions of the above exercises and more info on Isometrics:
Then I would practice Martial Arts for 20-30 Minutes, but you guys can skip that and replace it with anything you want or nothing at all.
Finally I would do something I got from Mike, from sixpackshort cuts, which is this right here:
Now instead of doing this for 1 minute straight I would actually do 5-9 reps, rest and then go back to it. I would do the "Superset" about three to five times and rest.
So the entire workout without Martial Arts is about 10-15 minutes and the "Superset" will have you drenched in sweet if you do it right. XD
Now here's something cool about Isometrics. It's not going to make you really big...but it will make you super strong and fast in record time. I might have to make an entire video on Isometrics.
Another cool tip NO ONE will tell you about becoming stronger and faster is tension exercises. Basically what this is, is individually tensing up different muscles groups for several minutes, THEN firing off every muscle group together at the same time.
What this does is it strengthens the neural network pathway to your muscles and increase your mind-muscle connection, which will make you faster an give you better muscle control. Again, this is a real trick that NO ONE will tell you about, at least no one I know of. XD
So comment below any questions you have, and if enough people want it I will make an entire video revolving around isometrics and how I exercise.
Thank you for stopping by and I'll see you cool cats soon :]
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
What is up with False Rape Allegations?
There are two things that really bother me when it comes to false rape allegations: 1. Is how people automatically believe them and 2. how the reputation of a man or woman is really restore or even remotely close to being fixed.
At this point it should go without saying that rape is a terrible crime, but it seems that to a Feminist or Social Justice Warrior that even saying that a person accused of rape should be trialed or given due process is "Rape Apology." I just watched this video from Bewildered Ape (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C03xjPP_nPA) where he called several men Rape Apologists simply because they said that there are ways to help reduce rape from happening or because some of them said you need to have evidence to support the claim you were raped.
To be honest, I don't think anyone, not even Rapists, think rape is okay. So to say that someone is a Rape Apologist because they say it's possible to reduce your chance of getting rape sounds ludicrous to me. What really gets to me though is how some of these people act like some women don't lie about being raped.
Not saying all do, I'm not even saying a significant fraction of women do, but what I am saying is that someone women DO lie about being raped. Now there's two obvious problems with that. The first is that the more women, in general, cry wolf, the less they will be taken seriously over time. The second problem is that presently it destroys the reputation of the accused. Several times have people lost their entire livelihood based on a accusation. Not the conviction mind you, but the accusation itself.
This is only supported by the idea that all accusations should be believed because a woman said it. Not even mentioning that these Feminist that scream that idea never said men should be believed if they claim there were raped.
I don't understand how telling a woman how to avoid getting raped or teaching her martial arts is supporting rape. I also don't understand why these feminist don't see to grasp the idea that some women do lie and that a person accused of rape should be trialed. However, they are all things that'll address in a video in the future.
So as always thanks for stopping by to read my post. Follow me on Twitter and comment below. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you cool cats soon. Adios.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Fairy Tail 414- Igneel's Death and Natsu's Despair
So the new chapter of Fairy Tail was illegally released today, as it usually is released on Monday, and well I have to say...great job. You killed off a major character in the manga almost ten chapters after he finally came back. *Slow clap*
I'm not even going to lie, I had a feeling Igneel was going to die the moment Acnologia got back up. Honestly, I was actually really angry and sad that Igneel died. For one thing, we as an audience will never get the chance to learn about him as a character, aside from Natsu's flashbacks, but more than that Natsu's entire life's mission is over now. We did finally learn that the Dragons went inside the Dragon Slayers to prevent more people from turning into Dragons, which I think is reasonable. The other reason was because they wanted a chance to take down Acnologia.
I'm actually a little confused as to why Igneel and the other Dragons didn't try to take down Acnologia when he attacked them during the S class exams. I guess they were waiting for the chance to take out E.N.D. and Acnologia at the same time. I don't know and hopefully the other Dragons will explain what Igneel didn't.
One thing I'm really looking forward to is seeing how Natsu will react to this. I think this could be the starting point for a revenge arc for Natsu. The demons are all gone now so the only real threat Fairy Tail has to face again is Acnologia. With six other Dragons flying around the world a good question to be asked is if they'll come finish was Igneel started. I don't think they will. I think in Fairy Tail tradition it's time for Natsu to get another powerup. He's unlocked the Dragon Force now, so he'll probably combine it with his Lightning powers and try to take on Acnologia. I'm not sure how that'll work out, considering not even Igneel could beat him.
I'm thinking that the damage Igneel already did to Acnolgia will be the key factor here. It's true that Natsu is out of magic power right now but think, at least I hope, Natsu will bathe in Igneel's blood and recover and get stronger. That's the only way I see Natsu being able to stand up against Acnologia. Plus there's still Wendy and Gajeel, so they might be able to help him do something. If they let Acnologia get away now there's no telling when he'll come back.
I'm not sure what'll happen in next week's chapter, but I'm certainly looking forward to it.
As always thanks for stopping by to read my post, go check out my YouTube videos if you haven't already and have a great day. :]
I'm not even going to lie, I had a feeling Igneel was going to die the moment Acnologia got back up. Honestly, I was actually really angry and sad that Igneel died. For one thing, we as an audience will never get the chance to learn about him as a character, aside from Natsu's flashbacks, but more than that Natsu's entire life's mission is over now. We did finally learn that the Dragons went inside the Dragon Slayers to prevent more people from turning into Dragons, which I think is reasonable. The other reason was because they wanted a chance to take down Acnologia.
I'm actually a little confused as to why Igneel and the other Dragons didn't try to take down Acnologia when he attacked them during the S class exams. I guess they were waiting for the chance to take out E.N.D. and Acnologia at the same time. I don't know and hopefully the other Dragons will explain what Igneel didn't.
One thing I'm really looking forward to is seeing how Natsu will react to this. I think this could be the starting point for a revenge arc for Natsu. The demons are all gone now so the only real threat Fairy Tail has to face again is Acnologia. With six other Dragons flying around the world a good question to be asked is if they'll come finish was Igneel started. I don't think they will. I think in Fairy Tail tradition it's time for Natsu to get another powerup. He's unlocked the Dragon Force now, so he'll probably combine it with his Lightning powers and try to take on Acnologia. I'm not sure how that'll work out, considering not even Igneel could beat him.
I'm thinking that the damage Igneel already did to Acnolgia will be the key factor here. It's true that Natsu is out of magic power right now but think, at least I hope, Natsu will bathe in Igneel's blood and recover and get stronger. That's the only way I see Natsu being able to stand up against Acnologia. Plus there's still Wendy and Gajeel, so they might be able to help him do something. If they let Acnologia get away now there's no telling when he'll come back.
I'm not sure what'll happen in next week's chapter, but I'm certainly looking forward to it.
As always thanks for stopping by to read my post, go check out my YouTube videos if you haven't already and have a great day. :]
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