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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What is up with False Rape Allegations?

There are two things that really bother me when it comes to false rape allegations: 1. Is how people automatically believe them and 2. how the reputation of a man or woman is really restore or even remotely close to being fixed. 

At this point it should go without saying that rape is a terrible crime, but it seems that to a Feminist or Social Justice Warrior that even saying that a person accused of rape should be trialed or given due process is "Rape Apology." I just watched this video from Bewildered Ape ( where he called several men Rape Apologists simply because they said that there are ways to help reduce rape from happening or because some of them said you need to have evidence to support the claim you were raped.

To be honest, I don't think anyone, not even Rapists, think rape is okay. So to say that someone is a Rape Apologist because they say it's possible to reduce your chance of getting rape sounds ludicrous to me. What really gets to me though is how some of these people act like some women don't lie about being raped.

Not saying all do, I'm not even saying a significant fraction of women do, but what I am saying is that someone women DO lie about being raped. Now there's two obvious problems with that. The first is that the more women, in general, cry wolf, the less they will be taken seriously over time. The second problem is that presently it destroys the reputation of the accused. Several times have people lost their entire livelihood based on a accusation. Not the conviction mind you, but the accusation itself. 

This is only supported by the idea that all accusations should be believed because a woman said it. Not even mentioning that these Feminist that scream that idea never said men should be believed if they claim there were raped.

I don't understand how telling a woman how to avoid getting raped or teaching her martial arts is supporting rape. I also don't understand why these feminist don't see to grasp the idea that some women do lie and that a person accused of rape should be trialed. However, they are all things that'll address in a video in the future.

So as always thanks for stopping by to read my post. Follow me on Twitter and comment below. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you cool cats soon. Adios.   

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